Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

Inspirational Quotes

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust Many years ago, I believed that if I lived in a certain place in a particular type of house with a … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 9 – The Over & Out Of It!

This is the final installment of Nick’s journey across the Bass Strait. Every time I have read this story, it inspires me a little bit more. Not to cross the Bass Strait in a kayak, but to live my journey … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 8 – The Lessons Continue

Lesson 2 – It is easier to apologise than it is to ask permission I say this reservedly, but we found the more we tried to do the “right thing” by people, friends, officials etc, the more walls we faced. … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 7 – The First Lesson!

After a short delay in posting more of Nick’s amazing story, his lessons continue. In this segment, Nick speaks about taking opportunities as they present themselves, and has given a real life example of how he did this in his … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 6 – Bass Strait Kayaking Voyage

In this article, Nick gives his thoughts on the definition of failure and success. It is interesting the way he looks at his initial “failure” and how that catapulted him onto his successful journey. In our own lives during our … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 5 – Bass Strait Kayaking Voyage

Following are some of the obstacles Nick came up against during his voyage. How many of you would have continued in this amazing journey?

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Nick Bladen – Part 4 – Bass Strait Kayaking Voyage

It is inspiring for me to read about such an amazing human-being with such a love and passion for what he does in his life. Nick believes that we are navigating the adventerous journey of life, none of which will … Continue reading

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Nick Bladen – Part 3 – Kayaking Across the Bass Strait

Nick’s story continues as he provides a summary below of his crossing of the Bass Strait, and his reasoning behind that decision. Courage is different things to different people, but the courage Nick showed with his journey can be utilised … Continue reading

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