Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

Taking Control of Your Life

I was speaking to a friend recently who was going through a difficult time in her life. She felt that nothing that was happening in her life was in her control and she was feeling pretty down with herself and … Continue reading

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Are You Taking Action?

Do you know someone or perhaps you are that person who continually talks about what they are going to do and going to achieve?

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What Perception Will You Take?

How many times have you said “If only……this happened,  my life would be better? If only I could win a lottery, If only my boss knew what he was doing, If only my husband/wife understood me better.  Does this sound … Continue reading

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Simple Ways to Overcome Anxiety

The life you have now is a reflection of your inner world. When you make inner changes, your life automatically changes or at least your perceptions of what is happening changes.

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Steps to Overcome Anxiety

Yesterday we talked about the difference between Unhealthy and Healthy fear. Now we will look at some of the steps that can be implemented which will help develop new behaviors.

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Is Fear Controlling You?

Anxiety. Fear. Panic. Are these words part of your every day life?  These emotions are  common in many people’s lives. They are wired into our brain as a self-preservation mechanism. For example, we may be in our car when suddenly … Continue reading

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How Do I Live With Gratitude?

What are some other ways to live a life of gratitude? I mentioned yesterday being appreciative of some simple things we often take for granted. Today I will be more specific.

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Living with Gratitude

After my post yesterday, I was asked how people can be thankful when everything in their life seems to be going wrong. My first question was “Everything”?  The usual response is “Yes, everything”. This is when I know that their … Continue reading

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