Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

Are You an Old Person in a Young Body?

How old is old? I can remember as a teenager thinking that anyone over 35 was old, and that there was no “fun” left to enjoy in life after that time. As I have reached and surpassed that age, I … Continue reading

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Are You a Crier or a Doer?

In life it is ‘easier’ to wish things were better, and cry about what isn’t fair and complain about what others have or haven’t done to you, than to actually change yourself and your situations. However, easier isn’t better or … Continue reading

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Are You Ready to Change?

Wishing, praying and hoping for your circumstances to change  won’t change anything. Worrying about what may or may not happen doesn’t change anything either. People who improve their life circumstances have one thing in common.

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What is a Disability?

Can you imagine life without sight and  hearing? The story of Helen Keller is truly inspirational. Helen lost her hearing and sight at 19 months of age after a childhood illness. 

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Do You Have Self Respect?

Would you put up with what you say to yourself from another person? Or if you do, how do you feel afterward? When someone says or does hurtful things to you, you are able to move yourself away from that … Continue reading

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What Value Do You Place On Yourself?

I received quite a few comments yesterday from people telling me that they have no control over the thoughts they have or the people they hang around with……….I don’t normally say this, but they are wrong, so wrong that I … Continue reading

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Do You Have a Negative State of Mind?

Stop. Have a look at the people you spend your time with, but first of all stop, and have a look at the type of person you are to other people! Pretty confronting isn’t it? However, this is an important … Continue reading

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How Do I Take Back Control Of My Life?

I will start where I finished off yesterday. “What can you do right now to improve a situation you are in?”

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