Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

How Do You Handle Criticism?

‎We sometimes get so caught up with pleasing others and trying to avoid criticism that we neglect what is important to ourselves. Think about it. If we are continuously changing ourselves to avoid criticism, we are focusing on our own … Continue reading

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Are you a Sheep in the Flock?

How many of us act like we are a flock of sheep? Reading the newspapers and listening to the news about the Global Financial Crisis, an increase in crime, people having no respect for society, and then believe that there … Continue reading

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How to be Inspirational

After my post yesterday, I was asked how could the “normal, average person” be inspirational? The most common question I received was “How can I be an inspiration to myself?” My question is “How can you not be, if you … Continue reading

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Inspirational People

I have just spent a few hours with some very inspirational people. They have just left my house, and I can’t help but be excited and impressed by their drive and enthusiasm for life, their family and their future.

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Are You Enjoying Your Life Experience?

When was the last time you did something exciting? Something that got your pulse racing, something that made you feel alive and invigorated? Can you even remember an experience that excited you, or do you live your life as a … Continue reading

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Am I Taking Things For Granted?

I was amazed at the beautiful moon last night. I went outside to pick some oranges off our tree (something I had run out of time to do earlier in the day) and ended up spending time just looking up … Continue reading

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Turning Failure Into Success

Do you remember the titles bestowed upon your friends and fellow students during your last weeks of school? One Most Likely to Succeed, Best Sportsman, Humanitarian, Awards for Science, Languages or History or any other official or unofficial tag.

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Taking Care of the Little Things

We all have those insurmountable decisions and tasks in our lives. Sometimes you have one once in a while, then sometimes you may have them piling on top of each other. What do you do, and how do you do … Continue reading

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