Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

Can Personal Development Lower Your Confidence?

How many people have read a book, watched a video or attended a personal development seminar, and after the initial rush of euphoria began to feel less confident, more stressed and began judging themselves?

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Celebration of My Life

This month is a time of celebration for me. It’s not my birthday, or a wedding anniversary. It is even better than that! 12 months ago, I was diagnosed with a melanoma.

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Am I An Energy Vampire?

My last post about Energy Vampires created quite a stir, and the main question being asked was “How can I tell if I am the Energy Vampire? Most Energy Vampires are actually unaware that they drain the energy from others, … Continue reading

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Never Give Up in Life

A couple of days ago on the Mind Recipe’s face book page, I posted a video of a gentleman who gave his honest and often confronting view about his life, and his contribution to the world. Nick Vuijicic is an … Continue reading

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I Am Worth It

There is a cost for everything you do in life. Sometimes it is worth the payment we make, at other times we have simply wasted our precious time and money.

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Being Let Down

Life expectations are nothing but our own life rules. Each one of us have certain expectations about what our day, month, year or lifetime will bring. Some of these expectations may be full of hope and excitement, others are full … Continue reading

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More Steps to a Fulfilling Relationship

Fulfilling relationships are not a matter of just communicating with each other. It is easy to communicate, but to communicate effectively and honestly with each other is a very different thing. Make a decision that your relationship is a priority … Continue reading

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Simple Steps to a Fulfilling Relationship

Life gets busy. We all seem to have more responsibilities, more things to do each day. For all our modern time-saving conveniences, one of the things we don’t seem to have is time for ourselves and our relationships. With such … Continue reading

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