Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

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Sometimes It Is Not Easy To Be Positive

One of my friends, some-one usually very upbeat and happy, said to me the other day “It’s not always easy to be positive”. This was from someone who lights up the room when she enters, is the life of the … Continue reading

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What Is Your Love Language?

Love Language. What is it and what does it mean to you? Having been married for coming up to 30 years, you would think that my husband and I would have a good understanding of what was important to each … Continue reading

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Human Spirit

Human Spirit. What does this mean to you? Is it “ordinary people doing extraordinary things?” Is it “finding the strength to carry on when times are tough?” Whatever the definition by words, I have witnessed an amazing wave of human … Continue reading

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Are You Thinking Your Way To Change?

How many of us dread the alarm ringing early on Monday morning? That feeling of dread as you slowly open your eyes and realize it is the start of a new week? You begin to think of the numerous calls … Continue reading

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How Do I Keep Going?

You have made your decision. Something in your life is going to change. A new job, a change of address, becoming a non-smoker, incorporating exercise into your daily life, improved eating habits…….the list is endless. We all have something in … Continue reading

Posted in Food for Thought, Mind Recipes | Tagged , , , | 36 Comments

Where Is Your Focus?

What do you spend your time focusing on? Do you even know what you are focusing on most of the time? As you are reading this post, I want you to notice things around you. What are the sights and … Continue reading

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Have You Learned to be Helpless?

Suppose you were asked “Do you want to learn how to make more money than you are currently earning? What would your first reaction be? What did “that voice” in your head first say? Was it there must be a … Continue reading

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How Certain Are You?

Have you ever been so certain that you were right….and others had it wrong? You know that indignant feeling where you could almost laugh at other people’s stupidity. How could they get it so wrong, when you know the answer … Continue reading

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