Author Archives: Brenda

About Brenda

Read more about Brenda on the About Brenda Freeman page.

Nick Bladen – Part 2 – Cycling Across Canada

Thanks for the comments received from the first part of this series. The story continues…..

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Nick Bladen Part 1 – Cycling Across Canada

Have you ever met some-one that stops you in your tracks and makes you really look at what you are doing on a daily basis? I have been fortunate that over the years I have met many such people. The … Continue reading

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How Do You View the Global Recession?

While I am far from a Global Economist, I thought you might be interested in this story. As any of my earlier readers would know, two of my children, Greg and Danielle, headed to Ireland with a 12 month working … Continue reading

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How Are You Spending Your Time?

How many people do you know who look back and reflect on their lives, and say “I wish I had known then what I know now”, or “There are so many things I would have done differently”?

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Do you “Do” What you Learn?

Many of my readers may not be aware that Ross and I trade. We have done so for many years. I was always eager for new information, so in 2004, I made the decision to go along to an Options … Continue reading

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Are you a Lucky Person?

Today is Friday the 13th. Is it a lucky day for you or a day you stay indoors – just in case?

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What Worries You, Masters You

“What worries you, masters you.” – Hadden W Robinson. Humans have advanced so much over the years. In the past century, we have seen the introduction of the car, the aeroplane and even space travel. We have the technology to … Continue reading

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Are You Always Trying to do the Right Thing?

Do you live your life always trying to do the right thing? Do you try to make sure that everyone is happy, and that everyone has everything they need? Everyone except you, that is? So often, we see people so … Continue reading

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