We all have events and situations every day, and I believe that each one of these occurrences can be either bad or good for us. You will have the opportunity presented regularly to interpret and react to many different people and situations. What will guarantee that those opportunities are stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks?It comes down to a few choices we make with each event. Will you be an optimist or pessimist in regard to this person or situation? Will you work to make this productive or destructive? Will you do what is right or what is wrong for you? These are all choices we make that will directly affect whether we move forward or move backward.
Is there a situation you are facing right now that could go either way? Then you have a choice. Choose to be an optimist. Choose to make it productive. Choose to do what is right for you.
When you make these choices, you will find a stepping-stone to fulfillment, rather than a stumbling block to your future.
Wow, great post.Thanks Again. Will read on…
Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared.
I appreciate that you’ve added relevant and intelligent commentary on many subjects. It really is your views on subjects and your reaction to them that is important
Love this quote and also your interpretation of it.
Looking back there have been times when things I thought were horrible turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me. It is a matter of perception. It’s just sometimes hard to recognise this when you are going through life
I don’t agree with every thing in this particular posting, but you do make some extremely good points. I suppose that’s what makes a good post. A little bit controversial – gets people talking and thinking
I’m impressed!! Thanks for the great content
Very informative posts on your site. I especially like this one. Thanks!
Excellent way of thought. I will look at my “stumbling blocks” in a different way now. Thanks for the insights
Thank you This is a fantastic blog, and something that men and women need to hear. Keep on with the inspiration!
This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions. Thanks 🙂
I’m impressed!!! Really informative blog post here
This a fabulous post. Your site was recommended to me, and I think I have just about read all your posts. Can’t wait till the next one
Continue the top quality writing. Well done
Discovered your site via google the other day and absolutely like it. Carry on the truly great work.
I’ll never look at falling down and stumbling the same ever again…bring on the stepping stones
Thanks for sharing! Great reading
I have had some stumbles in my past, but now I use these as stepping stones to make my life better. What I learned from falling helps me now
This is one of my favorite quotes – great one to remember when you see those stumbling blocks! Thank you everyone for your comments
Thanks for imparting this wisdom. Your thoughts made me re-evaluate some of the things I am doing.
Wow! What else can I say – love your work
Great job
Very Good When you make these choices, you will find a stepping-stone to fulfillment, rather than a stumbling block to your future.
Thank you for visiting and welcome to Mind Recipes Siva
Good blog you have got here.. It’s difficult to find high quality writing like yours these days.
I really appreciate you!
Take care!!
Thank you Xavier. It means a great deal to me to receive comments like this
I have to thank you for this site.
Great site 😉 Cheers!
Great delivery. Keep up the good spirit.
I am regular visitor to your site. Really like it
I thought this post was good. 😉 Cheers!
thank you
An excellent piece. Thanks a lot!
Interesting read – thanks