“Why can life be so unfair”? “Life’s a struggle” “I just make it through” In recent times I have heard these sentences time and time again, and even in my own life recently I allowed myself an “It’s not fair” moment.
We are human after all, and we have been given emotions to feel. Joy, happiness, sadness, anger, apprehension, jealousy, the range is enormous. Every person can feel these emotions. However most people tend to stay with a few. It is so easy to get caught up with events that have happened in the past or things that may happen in the future and these feelings are fueled by the emotions we allow ourselves to experience. I once heard a great philosophy about life which I have used from the time I heard it. “If you have a problem, allow yourself time to look at it objectively”.
List the things that YOU are able to do to either eradicate the problem or lessen it to some degree. Then, list the things that really are out of your control. Once you have your lists – DO something on your list that you are capable of doing. And the most powerful thing of all, is accept that you cannot always change the circumstances you find yourself in, and the things on your “have no control over” list can be let go”.
Don’t misunderstand what I am saying here though. I am not advocating that you throw your hands in the air and say, I have no control over what happens to me, and I can’t do anything about it. While you may not have control over what has happened, you do have control over what you do with it. Are you going to wallow in your misery for months on end or can you acknowledge the feelings you are experiencing, then make a decision to change your ideas about those circumstances. This change in circumstances may be as simple as deciding to exercise, going for a daily walk, deciding to begin or end a personal or business relationship. Only you can decide what needs to happen.
Once you have made the decision – AND ACTED on it, you are starting to take back your control, and instead of being a slave to your emotions, and caught up with external issues, you are able to move forward. Look at what is good in your life and be grateful everyday for those special things we all too easily ignore. Those “little special” things are what makes our lives unique. Enjoy and celebrate them daily.
Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared and highlighted by more people.
Nice post. Made me think
I love what you write. So good
🙂 Thank you everyone for your kind comments
Really amazing and informative blog post here. I just wanted thank you for posting this. Thought provoking as well
Without knowing how to control stress we will always be unhappy. I found the information provided here very useful
Outstanding information – This really is one of the most beneficial websites I’ve ever come across on the personal development trial
Great article. Helps me a lot at the moment
As simple as this is – it has helped answer my problem – thank you!